Profiles 8.4

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As we plan and produce each issue of CONTENT, I discover new people who I would love to feature and so I add them to the list of stories I'd like to do. In addition, there have been others we've been wanting to profile but have had to push out to future issues because of limited space and/or time. The result is a list that has been growing by leaps and bounds each year. Hence, this issue, Profiles.

This issue gives us the opportunity to highlight a few more people than we normally can. With larger images, shorter articles, and personal quotes, we are looking to honor the growing number of influencers, makers, and leaders in our community. I'm excited to have partnered in this issue with Tad Malone, who has exclusively conducted the interviews. I hope as you sit with this issue you have the same feeling that Tad and I had in putting it together, that these people are more than characters in a story, but now our friends.

Daniel Garcia
The Cultivator